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About Us

mesOUD has had an intense interest in fragrances for many years, then met with natural fragrances, for almost 20 years, with the advantage of being an international business in his professional business, he has added the most valuable products from various parts of the world to his collection, and as a result of wanting to achieve the most perfection in his fragrance adventure, which turned from curiosity and interest into passion, he started to design his own fragrances and then started the distillation process.

This operation, which is carried out independently of economic concerns, has emerged as a result of the desire to achieve perfection and to share his passion with others, and his sole purpose is to bring together fragrance enthusiasts like himself with real and high-end fragrances at the most reasonable prices.

For mesOUD, in his own workshop, he processes the most precious and rare products from different parts of the world with old methods (distillation, maceration, etc.) and brings them together with you, the fragrance lovers, and seeing the appreciation of his art is far above the financial return of this business.

Stay mesoud with mesOUD

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